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Selected Works

  • GTBank
  • Oschadbank
  • Monobank
  • CBH
  • Raiffeisen
  • PrivatBank
  • Halyk Bank
  • GT World logo

    GT World case study

    IF AwardRedDot
    GT World hero picture

    How we revolutionized banking in Nigeria

    GTBank has been a key player in the African financial sector for over a decade. However, due to a lack of significant updates to their banking app during this time, the bank's innovation stalled, resulting in considerable difficulties in attracting new customers.

    Oschadbank logo

    Oschadbank case study

    Oschadbank hero picture

    How we reshaped the meaning of legacy with Oschadbank

    Oschadbank came to us to help them transform, aiming to completely revamp the strategy for developing the digital customer experience.

    Monobank logo

    Monobank case study

    Monobank hero picture

    How we built Ukraine's leading neobank

    In 2017, Monobank partnered with us to create the first challenger bank in Ukraine.

    We identified main challenges and designed a clean and intuitive interface that changed people's perception of banking experience as a whole. These innovations made Monobank go viral, helping it quickly emerge as a leading bank in Ukraine.

    Swiss Private Bank case study logo

    Swiss Private Bank case study

    Swiss Private Bank case study hero picture

    How we transformed Swiss Private Bank

    Swiss Private Bank 'CBH Compagnie Bancaire Helvétique' chose our team to lead a complete overhaul of its infrastructure.

    Our collaboration with CBH Compagnie Bancaire Helvétique was anything but ordinary.

    We assisted CBH in designing and creating a comprehensive product ecosystem, including card management systems, CRM, mobile and web banking applications, messengers, and wallet apps. To ensure sustainability and long-term success, we also supported them in establishing an R&D office in Ukraine and hiring a skilled team. Today, CBH stands as a family-owned private bank offering exceptional digital experiences to its clients.

    Raiffeisen logo

    Raiffeisen case study

    Raiffeisen hero picture

    How we redesigned Raiffeisen

    We came highly recommended to Raiffeisen to provide design support for several of their key initiatives.

    PrivatBank logo

    PrivatBank case study

    PrivatBank case study

    How we collaborated with PrivatBank

    PrivatBank, one of the biggest banks in Ukraine, came to us with a small test job that resulted in 7 years of beneficial partnership. logo case study case study

    How we heped develop for mobile, the largest online grocery platform in Ukraine, enlisted our services at an early stage of their development to break into the mobile market and develop applications tailored for mobile users.

    Halyk Bank logo

    Halyk Bank case study

    Halyk Bank case study

    How we partnered with Halyk Bank

    Halyk Bank teamed up with us to develop a travel portal as part of its ecosystem designed to elevate the overall customer experience.

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    companies from all over
    the world

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